Our pastoral and chaplaincy staff care for our congregations and schools across the conference.
Griffith, Griffith Samoan
Nowra, Milton, Ulladulla
Bega, Moruya, Cobargo, Wallaga Lake
Canberra National Hall, Pillar-o-Fire
South Canberra, Charnwood
Adventist Alpine Village
Parkes, Orange
Border Christian College Chaplain
Narromine, Dubbo
Narromine Christian School Chaplain
Canberra National
Griffith, Narrandera
Lithgow, Oberon, Mudgee
Canberra Christian School Chaplain
Area Mentor
Wodonga & Wodonga Slavic
Wagga Wagga, Temora, Cootamundra
Bega, Moruya, Cobargo, Wallaga Lake
Goulburn, Young
Wagga Wagga, Temora, Cootamundra
Our office team work to support our local churches, schools and AAV across strategic and operational dimensions.
General Secretary
Chief Financial Officer
Youth Director
Exec. Education Director
Area Mentor, Ministerial Sec
Faith FM and Communications
Accounts Clerk
Accounts Support
Payroll Officer
PA, Membership Clerk
Assistant Accountant
Health and Welbeing
AAV & Schools Business Manager