Seventh-day Adventist Church
South New South Wales
The church is on a continual search for something new. New methods, new approaches, new techniques, and that's ok because it's a changing world, and our audience is always moving. But I've personally become deeply convicted that the simple, basic, old fashioned ways are the best ways. For the church to grow in the 21st century, it needs to be like it was in the 1st century. Over the last few years, mentoring young pastors has taught me a very important lesson. You have to be solid in the basics before you can be fancy. That's influenced me heavily in what I want to see the SNSW Conference focus on. We want to be solid, not fancy.
The SNSW Conference of Seventh-day Adventists exists to Resource, Empower and Develop disciple-making leaders across its churches and schools
Over the next 5 years, the SNSW Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is working towards empowering at least 50% of its disciple-making leaders to invest at least 50% of their time in new missional opportunities